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Menampilkan postingan dari Januari, 2023


    Introducing Myself 1. Nama Nah, untuk memperkenalkan nama, terdapat banyak kalimat yang bisa digunakan. Berikut ini adalah beberapa contoh  self introduction  untuk memperkenalkan nama: Hi, my name is Najwa Shihab . (Halo, nama saya Najwa Shihab) Hi, I am Najwa Shihab . (Halo, saya Najwa Shihab) Contoh di atas adalah cara memperkenalkan diri dengan nama lengkap. Namun, elo bisa juga memperkenalkan nama secara terpisah seperti di bawah ini.  My first name is Najwa . (Nama depan saya Najwa) My surname is Shihab . (Nama keluarga saya Shihab) My family name is Shihab . (Nama keluarga saya Shihab) Hi, my last name is Shihab . (Halo, nama belakang saya Shihab) Hi, my nickname is Najwa . (Halo, nama panggilan saya Najwa) Umumnya, dalam bahasa Indonesia, kita menggunakan kata “perkenalkan,…..” sebelum menyebutkan nama. Nah, di dalam Bahasa Inggris, sebenarnya ada juga, loh! Lantas, apa Bahasa Inggrisnya “perkenalkan?” Yap, elo...

English assignment summary

  English assignment summary      CHAPTER 1      Caption Definition A caption is a mini story that answer all question about a photo A caption requires time thought research variaty and consistention to write  Image : Type of captions 1. Identification Bar : Simply who is in photo. 2. Cutline: Who is doing what. 3. Summary: Who, Doing what, When, Where, Why. More Type of Caption 1. Expanded : Who Doing what,when,where,why,how,and quote 2. Quote : just a  Quote from the person that explain doing what,when,where,why,how,by the who of the photo. 3. Group Identification : A listing of everyone in a group photo. 4. Montage Caption : In a photo montage, photos are numbered and captioned or cutlined according to space available EXTENDED CAPTION VS CUTLINE 1. Cutline are simply the present tense sentence (this is newspapper captioning). 2. Caption can be a variety of lengths and contain a variety of infotmation. 3. There are different kinds of c...

Making inferences, summarizing, pharaprasing

  MAKING INFERENCES     Making Inference is when you make an inference, you use all of the infomration that you have available at a time to guess what is "behind" the literal information of a text. Inference      A conclusion reached on the basis or evidence and reasoning. Example : "I infer that there is a ghost in my house based on the evidence that i ave seen objects moving on their own." Summarizing      A powerful reading strategy. It increase comprehension and retention of information.  Summarizing is keeping, deleting and, paraphrasing. Keeping Keep only the important information and main ideas. Deleting  Do not include supporting details in your summary.

Generic structure of text

  Generic Structure of Texts Orientation       Introduce the character in story. It can be name, place,etc. Complication     Can call climax of the story when the crisis is rising up. Resolution     Usually call anti-climax, it means that the problem can be solved, even bad or good ending. REPORT TEXT The Generic Structure of Descriptive Text Identification     Introducing where or who is the subject is being describe Description     Describes parts, qualitires, and the characteristic of the person, place, or thing to be describe Generic Structure Goal or aim     States what is to bedone/showting the purpose. Materials     Listed in order of use, includes itmes needed to complete task/telling the needed materials/ Method     A seteos of steps to achieve the purpose Generic Structure of Explanation     A general statement which describes or identifies the phenomenon     A se...

Job interview

  Job Interview The five part interview Part One - Before the interview •  Women: dress, skirt (not too short), or dress pants with a nice blouse or blazer.  No excessive jewelry, make-up, or “big hair”.  • Men: pants (not jeans), collared shirt, tie, sport coat and shoes. A suit is not always necessary. • Do not wear loud clothes! Be conservative! Part Two - The Start   Inform the secretary/the receptionist that you have an interview, whom it is with, and the time of the interview. • When you meet the interviewer, look straight into his/her eyes, shake hands firmly, introduce yourself, smile, be confident and wait until you are offered a seat.  • Be positive in your communication (Remember: You’re selling yourself!!), don’t slouch, try not to be too bold or too shy. Let the interviewer lead the interview. Express that you are happy to have the opportunity to interview. DO NOT: Smoke, chew gum, curse, slouch, put your hands on items on the interviewer’s des...


   TRAVEL     Travelling is an amazing way to learn a lot of things in life. A lot of people  around the world travel every year to many places. Moreover, it is  important to travel to humans. Some travel to learn more while some  travel to take a break from their life. Why Do We Travel?      There are a lot of reasons to travel. Some people travel for fun while some  do it for education purposes. Similarly, others have business reasons to  travel. In order to travel, one must first get an idea of their financial  situation and then proceed.  The Benefits of Travelling      There are numerous benefits to travelling if we think about it. The first  one being, we get to meet new people. When you meet new people, you  get the opportunity to make new friends. It may be a fellow traveler or the  local you asked for directions.  Moreover, new age technology has made it easie...